Saturday, January 15, 2011

Jan 2011

Here we are with a new year ahead. Hope this year brings all a good & better life!

Went out with friends on New Years Eve. I actually stayed awake past midnight!! Back in the early 70's the band I was with, the drummer started a new group about 8 years ago & they were playing that night so we got togeather & went to see them. We know a couple people in the band from back in the day so it was a good time. My cousin Sally was there so we swapped stories & tonges at midnight! Had a small ice storm that night so getting there was tough but coming home was fine.

Been getting about 1-2" of snow every other day this week. Can't wait till it's gone & back riding again. They only plow our street if there is over 3" of snow.

Not much else here. Been just laying low after the holidays & resting back up. Us "OLD FARTS" you know!

All take care.........................dan