Got teased with warm weather & today it's snowing! Can't win. Got the bike ready for some riding now just waiting for the weather. 2 weeks ago on saturday it was 80 but storms in the area keept me from the first ride. Besides, still alot of sand on the roads. Hurt my back again last weekend so recovering from that. About every 2 years I do something stupid! Went to a concert with friends last friday. Tonic Sol Fa. Great show!! It's all accapela, no insterments & they pick on one person through the whole show. Didn't think I would like it but they really mixed it up & it was fantastic. If you here of them coming, go see them. Everyone doing well here. Go to the Cities the 26th-27th for work training. They got me a room so I don't have to drive back & forth. My boss told me he had phone numbers for call girls! My age, I either couldn't keep up or I'd fall asleep before!!!! That's it for now, more boring stuff next month. dan